1. Get Moving
2. Eat Heart Healthy
3. Control Cholesterol
4. Manage High Blood Preasure
5. Maintain a Healthy BMI
6. Stop Smoking
7. Reduce Blood Glucose
A heart-healthy diet includes:
1. At least 4 1/2 cups of fresh fruit and vegetables per day.
2. At least two 3.5-oz servings of fish per week. Ideally, you should choose fish that contain omega-3 fats, like salmon, mackerel, lake trout, sardines, and herring.
3. At least three 1-oz servings of whole-grain products that are high in fiber (1.1 g or more of fiber per 10 g of carbohydrate).
4. Less than 36 oz of sugar-sweetened beverages per week (that’s less than three 12-oz cans of soda).
5. No more than two servings of processed meats per week.
6. No more than 1,500 mg of sodium per day if middle-aged or older.