Houston Cardiac Care

Dr. Shalaby is committed to helping his patients sustain a heart healthy life by applying his years of experience to individualized patient plans. Utilizing the latest technology in early detection and treatment of cardiovascular disease, he is able to help patients avoid more serious conditions and chart a healthy path.
Underscoring prevention in cardiovascular care and overall well being, Dr. Shalaby offers a range of cardiovascular screening services to identify risk factors or early stage disease – including stress tests, ankle brachial index, blood glucose, ankle brachial index, abdominal aorta ultrasound, cardiovascular disease risk score, carotid doppler ultrasound, electrocardiogram, lipid panel and more.
More detailed testing is performed with state-of-the-art equipment, including a 64-slice CT coronary and peripheral vascular angiography. Identifying potential problems early ensures less invasive treatment and better outcomes, which is why Dr. Shalaby and his staff work closely with each patient to establish a healthy heart program that includes the right nutrition and level of exercise/activity tailored to individual need. As a partner in health, Dr. Shalaby provides ongoing assistance and resources to patients in this endeavor.
Please link each of these to the highlighted areas below matching the names – and house the Tests below together linked from Cardiovascular Screening Exams in the menu.

Cardiovascular (Heart) Tests

Cardiovascular Stress Tests

Treadmill Excercise Stress Test
The Treadmill Exercise Stress Test allows us to evaluate how your heart performs during activity. Attached to a heart monitor we evaluate your vital signs and heart rhythm while you walk on a treadmill.

Nuclear Stress Test
The Nuclear Stress test allows us to view special images of your heart muscle during times of rest as well as exercise or activity. Following an injection of a radioactive substance, which poses no harm to your body, images of your heart both at rest and following exercise are taken with a special camera. Special medications can be given instead, if exercise is not option for some patients. The images provide us with information about the strength of your heart muscle, any muscle damage, or blood vessel blockages. This test can take several hours to complete and should be taken without caffeine or other medications in your system. You will be given a list of items to avoid and specific instructions to follow prior to taking the test.

Stress Echocardiogram
The Stress Echocardiogram Test is similar to a standard echocardiography, though performed both at rest (baseline) and following a period of stress (through exercise or with medication to make your heart work as though you were exercising). This allows us to evaluate how well your heart muscle works during exercise or periods of activity.

Electrocardiogram (EKG)
An EKG is a snap shot of your heart’s electrical activity. Ten electrodes are placed over your chest wall and a special machine draws an image of your heart rhythm, which allows us to evaluate heart function and identify any irregular heart rhythm or other irregularities. An EKG takes just minutes to perform.

Holter Monitor
The Holter Monitor is a recording device, which monitors your heart rhythm generally over a period of 24 hours. The monitor has five to seven wires called leads, which attach to metal disks you wear on your chest called electrodes. These electrodes are very sensitive and can pick up electrical impulses of your heart. The impulses are recorded and provide us with a 24-hour record of your heart’s electrical activity and any irregularities that may be present.

Event Monitor
This monitor is similar to the Holter Monitor but worn for a longer period of time. It is used to help us identify problems with heart rhythm as you go through your day to day activities.

Cardiac Catheterization
The Cardiac Catheterization Test, also known as an “angiogram” or “heart cath,” entails the delicate threading of a special catheter up through a blood vessel in your leg or arm. A dye is then injected, identifying blockages in the arteries of your heart. If blockages are found, we may use a balloon or stent to open them up. While performed with the least amount of obtrusion to surrounding tissue, this is a more invasive test than some of the cardiovascular testing and requires patients to follow some instructions prior to the test. We will provide these instructions and review thoroughly before performing the test.

An Echocardiography is a test which sends high frequency sound waves through the body to produce an image of the moving heart muscle on a television monitor we are able to view during the testing. This allows us to examine the structure of the heart muscle and heart valves, as well as the way blood is moving through your heart. The test takes 20-40 minutes to perform and requires no special preparation. There should be discomfort.

Carotid Doppler
The Carotid Doppler Test is basically an ultrasound of the Carotid Arteries in your neck. The image of your carotid arteries generated by the ultrasound allows us to determine if there are blood vessel blockages. The Lower Extremity Doppler Test is similar to the Carotid Doppler but performed on your legs. This allows us to determine if any arteries or veins in your legs have blockages or blood clots.

Ankle-Brachial Index
An Ankle-Brachial Index Test is a special way to take the blood pressure of your legs. It provides us with information on the circulation in your legs.