

  • We usually complete most refills or new prescriptions within 2-3 business days of the request, so please remember that when requesting the refill, so you do not run out.
  • No medication will be refilled on Saturdays, Sundays, or holidays. Requests received during these times will be processed at the next business day.
  • The patient is responsible for knowing when the medication will need to be refilled, when they are due for an appointment, and to request refills or schedule accordingly.
  • Controlled substances and narcotics require follow-up appointments every 30-90 days, regardless of the number of prescriptions or refills written.
  • No early refills are due if a medication is over-used or taken other than how the doctor has directed.
  • No medication or prescription will be replaced if they are lost, stolen, shared, etc.
  • The patient is responsible for checking before leaving the office to make sure that they have the correct prescriptions, that they understand the dosing, that it is not expired, and that they have enough refills to get to their next appointment.
  • Unless otherwise directed by the doctor, mail order and 90 day prescriptions are only written at the appointment.
  • If “Brand Only” medication is required, remember to remind the staff or the doctor to insure your medication is written correctly.
  • Prescriptions written or called in other than at scheduled appointments will be subject to a $15 fee, unless previously arranged with office.
DR Shalaby

We understand that there might be a situation when you do have to call us for a prescription. Please look at the list below and see what you can do to avoid incurring a prescription refill fee.

  • Are you changing to a new local pharmacy? You should call your new pharmacy and request that your prescriptions be transferred from your old pharmacy. We sometimes do not have to write new prescriptions.
  • Are you going on an extended vacation and need to use an out-of-town pharmacy? You need to call the NEW pharmacy that you will be using and have them contact your hometown pharmacy to have your prescriptions transferred. When you return home, you have to reverse the process.
  • Are you changing to a new mail order pharmacy? Some pharmacies will transfer your prescriptions to the new pharmacy. If you still have refills on your current prescriptions, please check with your current mail order pharmacy to see if your prescriptions can be transferred.

If there are any problems or unexpected side-effects you need to speak to the doctor about, please email the doctor at AllbrittonMD@clearlakepsychiatry,net. Make sure to identify yourself in the email with your first and last name and your date of birth and try to clearly explain your problem. If you are asking for a prescription to be called in, make sure you provide the pharmacy name and phone number. You can also call the office at 281-956-7070 and press option 2 (two) at the recorded greeting for the clinical voice mail. Remember that most medication refills can be sent from the pharmacy, so for these refills call the pharmacy, and they will fax us over a request for your medication.

Our commitment is to provide quality mental health and substance abuse services without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, gender, age, sexual orientation or disabilities.